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The Dos and Don'ts of Detox!

detox health and nutrition media Sep 01, 2020

Let’s chat detox.

I like to think of detox like taking out the trash..

If you don't take out the trash in your house for months, it's going to get stinky, decay, grow mold, and attract nasty bugs... Guess what? The same thing happens to your body if you aren’t detoxing it on a daily basis. YUP.

Bad bacteria will overpopulate, parasites will flourish, heavy metals will build up, hormones will get out of balance, inflammation will rise, food won’t be digested, nutrients won’t be absorbed...

That's NOT a situation you want to be in.

The good news is, it's easily avoidable.

A large part of detoxing your body includes regular elimination.

  • Foods like green, leafy vegetables are going to help detoxify, cleanse and sweep out that intestinal tract.
  • Adding a lot of fruits, vegetables and healthy nuts and seeds into your diet is going to help eliminate your gastrointestinal tract and keep you feeling great.

Don't look at detox like a fad diet, consider it something you should be doing each and every day.

For more information about how to detox your body in a healthy way, check out my interview with Bloom TV in Tampa, Florida here or you can view the video in their article right here.

PS. Share this video if you found it helpful!

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