Want to Hire Someone Who Has Your Back 100% and is Dedicated to Getting you as Healthy as Possible?
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Private 1:1 Health Consulting
Identify the root cause of your symptoms and fix them for good.
We have seen people just like you hit a wall—and experience nagging health complications like fatigue, bloating, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, headaches, panic, and more. We're here to help you still live in a modern world, and optimize a few core things in order to re-wire and strengthen your body, so you can keep performing at your best!
Experience next level energy and feel better than you could have ever imagined with Celproceo.
Elevate your life!
Become a Celproceo Private Client!
This Program Includes:
- 1:1 attention personalized to you and individualized protocols
- High-level concierge services co-created with you by health professionals that will have a profound impact on your work and personal life
- Unlimited access and support to our team of wellness specialists
- Specialty comprehensive laboratory work to access internal health specializing in: gut health sex hormones hypothyroidism and hashimoto's disease adrenal health fatigue, insomnia, and energy depletion pre, during, and post-pregnancy
Specializing in:
- Gut health
- Sex hormones
- Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease
- Adrenal health
- Fatigue, insomnia, and energy depletion
- Pre, during, and post-pregnancy

I lost 35 lbs without even trying, feel light on my feet, my energy is boosted, and I'm sleeping amazing. I also had inflammation in my body, causing pain and discomfort, and that is gone, too! My entire life has changed and I feel confident I can maintain this forever with the tools Celproceo provided to me.

After a week of removing my food sensitivities, my anxiety has decreased by 75%.
Also my lower lip has peeled for 20+ years, and in the last week, I'm already seeing improvement in that symptom.

I created my perfect daily routine while working with Celproceo.
...not even just related to what to eat, exercise, mindset, but with my business, too!

Celproceo helped me balance out my day and put the right habits where needed.
This has boosted my productivity and energy, keeping me feeling amazing all day without any crashes.

Celproceo's guidance has been a huge game-changer for me.
Not only can I fly around the world and speak at events without getting drained and puffy, but I don’t even get bloated anymore after eating - even if it’s not a “healthy” option!

I was put on 20 supplements immediately my first visit with the another functional medicine practitioner.
I'm so glad Celproceo actually found out what's going on in my body to fix it instead of throwing supplements at me.
Clients hire us because they need:

Mindset for Success
They're having a mind-block or time of heightened stress, and want to combat that to get to the right mindset and health status for success.

A Non-Toxic Office Space
They want us to do an in-office assessment and detoxify their office environment—stocking the kitchen and lounge area with beverage and food options that fuel energy and focus, swap standard soap and other such products to non-toxic versions, re-organize to promote a sense of simplicity and refreshing cleanliness that will help with workday focus and drive.

A Quick Recovery
They want to recover quickly from a game, workouts, movie shoot, travel, or performance.

Event Wellness Support
They want us to come to their event to stock it with energy and brain boosting food and beverage to keep stress low and energy high throughout the event—examples include backstage at concert, greenroom for conference, pre/during /post athletic event or game, on set each day for movie/show production or music video production.

Testing + Supplements
They want to know what supplements are best for their specific body, not a one-size-fits-all approach. They want comprehensive laboratory testing to find out what's going on in their body and how they can feel, look, and perform better.

Off-Time Wellness Support
They want us to fly to them on an "off week” or “off season" of performance (mostly for actors, athletes, and celebrity entertainers post-tour) to re-establish their health and wellness, and get their sleep, performance, daily habits in—no matter what pops up.

Personal Health Team
They want us to create a health and wellness team around them to take care of all their health, wellness, performance, and mindset needs—every day, all year—no matter what pops up.

Postpartum Health + Wellness
They are a working woman and recently had a baby, wanting to quickly regain energy levels, rebalance internal health, detoxify, and return to pre-baby (or better) shape physically.

Support on Top of Support
They want us to teach those who support them—house managers, executive assistance, nutritionists, trainers, cleaning staff, personal chefs—how to set up everything in their life to ensure their health and performance needs are on point, without them having to even think about it.

Preventing Health Decline
They're interested in learning more about their body and preventing health decline or nagging symptoms. we will find out detailed information about your current biomarkers—gut health, hormones, neurotransmitters, genetics, nutrient levels, metabolic pathways, detoxification pathways, and more.

A Non-Toxic Home
They want us to do an in-home assessment and detoxify their home environment—pantry, fridge, air quality, water quality, cleaning products, personal hygiene products.

Executive Team Wellness Support
We work closely with your top executives within your company to ensure each is on top of their game physically and mentally, allowing for more focus, creativity, energy, and productivity from your team.